My concept was to create a house from a cardboard box. Growing up I would play in cardboard boxes laying around my grandparents house and pretend to decorate them and live in them. I added aspects from my current apartment into the house to show how I now have a space to decorate as my own. I also included my hedgehog, Clover just for fun.
The work above, is of a house mainly constructed with cardboard with an open wall which lets you see into the house and its furniture. The house is located in a large open area of grass and has a normal bush, driveway and mailbox. The house is surrounded by a fence also made of cardboard and inside the fence is a giant hedgehog. Inside the house is a desk and wall decoration like a flag and a piece of art which are shaded very well.
ReplyDeleteI Think you could interpret this work in a few different ways. At first glance I would say it speaks to the ideas of fun and creativity. Cardboard is a common symbol for arts and crafts which sort of suggests this idea of promoting creativity in your life. I could also see there being commentary on the state of the housing market or homelessness but details like the fun painting and huge hedgehog just make me think the image overall is supposed to be positive in nature.
Technically speaking I think it is well executed, the shadows and lighting you were able to do really sell this building as being real and existing in its environment. The lighting on the desk and shadow of the overall cardboard house are especially well done and I couldn’t tell that it had been photoshopped at first. The hedgehog does stand out a bit as it breaks the plausibility of the image but adds to the charming vibe of the overall piece. Overall very competently composed and creates a really distinct and tangible vibe while selling itself in its lighting.
I think this piece serves well for the ideas of escapism and has a real charm to its concept and overall presentation. For me I can see it relating to a childlike feeling of arts and crafts and playing with cardboard, constructing a fun reality for us to play and engage with. Your choices of including the wall art and the hedgehog also do well to add to this feeling of imagination and playfulness. Though the piece seems to lack a grander commentary on the world we live in as a whole it still serves the important purpose of art that is reminding us of the joy that creativity can bring.
In summary I really like this piece and think it is a very great interpretation of the project. While being simple and straightforward with its concept it succeeds at selling itself and has a tangible energy to it. Technically the lighting and shading is really well put together and gives the image a really professional finish to it. I would have liked to see more architecture incorporated but I think everything you chose to include is really well balanced out and feels purposeful.
I see a cardboard box with an open side facing the viewer. The house has a roof and a fence running along the outside of the house. The inside of the house has a desk, a pendant, and a poster. There’s a driveway leading up to the house and Clover the hedgehog is walking along the fence towards the house. The front yard has plenty of grass and the backyard has a horizon filled with tall trees.
ReplyDeleteI interpret this scene as playful and nostalgic. You reference building houses with cardboard boxes at your grandparents’ house and I feel like you’ve created a homemade dollhouse. The aspects of your current apartment mixed with the cardboard boxes from your childhood are interesting. You decorated the boxes when you were younger and now have a place to call home.
The right wall of the cardboard box house is shaded nicely to give the scene a realistic three-dimensional feel. Clover and the fence lead your eye to the center of the composition, where the inside of your cardboard house is waiting for you. The driveway leads to the house too so all edges of the composition point to the middle like an intersection. This makes the scene a little bit technical while still being creative with additions like Clover.
I think the bigger picture here is imagination and childhood nostalgia. Many kids create cardboard houses when their families acquire a big box and cut out doors and windows before it's time to get rid of the box (or maybe they get to keep it for a bit!). It is a simple composition and theme with a concept that many can relate to. The fence and oversized clover make the home feel like a children’s dollhouse.
This work celebrates simplicity within the dollhouse and references childhood. Kids don’t remember every detail of their childhood dollhouses, but they remember the essentials. In this case, this is the fence outside, driveway, desk, pendant, and poster. The cardboard can serve as a missing detail in the child’s brain because they can’t remember what the floor looked like or where the bathroom was. The simple composition reflects this theme and I thought it was straightforward and well executed.