Tuesday, April 2, 2024

"Curiosity Kills?" Transformative Portrait. - Zoe Turner


For this project I wanted to express two things. One being my love for the ocean, and the other being in regards to the debate on whether or not aquariums and zoos are ethical/do their benefits outweigh their cons. I feel like the first point definitely comes across and is evident in both my expression and the fact that I put sharks and a school of fish in a bag. The second thing, however, is definitely more subtle in the portrait, especially without the context of the title. I chose that title in hopes that it would encourage the viewer to think about more than just a surface level expression of emotion. (I myself am pro aquarium/zoo when the institution is accredited and does important conservation, research, and/or rehabilitation work.)

In this portrait are After Effects made clouds, my own image of the ocean, me (obviously) separated into different layers, and a video I took at the Georgia Aquarium last year. The image of me had to be separated in order to have a layer of the bag to put overtop the video layer; with a lowered opacity, this allows the texture of being in a plastic bag to come through. 

1 comment:

  1. This work is titled Curiosity Kills and is by Zoe Turner. It features an individual prominently in the foreground joyously holding a plastic bag filled with water and various ocean life swimming inside. In the background is a view of a beach with clouds moving across the skyline.

    This work appears to be fun and ambiguous on the surface but is seemingly more psychological on a deeper level in that it juxtaposes the duality of individual desire versus what is moral and sustainable. The individual is excited and expresses great joy in what is being held inside of the bag. The appreciation and value of the contents is paramount, but it can’t be ignored that it is being held outside of its natural and free habitat, and ironically inside of plastic which receives much criticism due to its lack of being biodegradable.

    The visual clues work nicely together in that while the image is engaging and fun, hiding in plain view is a dark reality of Earth’s creatures. Often humans neglect the well-being of others in the attempt to provide themselves with gratification. On the other hand, it is important to showcase them in the efforts to educate and excite society into appreciating what is around them. This work displays both well.

    The motion is subtle yet balanced. The ocean life inside of the bag is moving at a realistic pace which draws attention to them. The clouds moving above offer a nice counterbalance to the contents of the bag. Having the ocean move in some way, even if just a little, may have provided a more realistic feeling of the environment. As it is, it feels more of a backdrop image rather than offering that feeling of physically being at the ocean. This does not detract from the overall message, however.

    This work is a wonderful way to showcase the caveats of choosing personal joy over the overall well-being of the environment and its inhabitants. At the same time, it also conveys a deep appreciation for our ocean life and the excitement that we experience when viewing them. Society often struggles with finding a healthy balance between wants and what is best for the Earth. This provides a great commentary on this ongoing issue.

    In summary, this work offers an initial visual feeling of happiness. It may compel viewers to reflect on their own experiences with the ocean, amusement parks, zoos, and aquariums in a positive way. On further reflection it also holds a deeper message on the importance of nourishing these in a balanced, responsible, and eco-friendly way that preserves them for future generations to enjoy!

