Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Foliage Fusion (Transformative Portrait) - Brianne Schriever


Foliage Fusion is a representation of my connection to my plants as their caretaker. I wanted to create a composition that placed me in a close relationship with the greenery to the point that I am becoming one with them. As someone who has several plants, taking care of them (although time consuming) creates a bond with them as I am rooting for them to thrive and I am responsible for their well-being. The more plants I get, the more they also take over my living space which is represented through the background. I used repeated layers of a few of my plants that have bigger leaves and fuller foliage to create the setting as if they are surrounding me. I then placed an image of myself in the center holding one of the plants and created a leafy overlay to push the idea of fusion.

1 comment:

  1. In this work Brianne is in the center of her portrait holding a plant in a calm seated position with her eyes softly closed. To either side of her is a plant and in the background is more plants growing up behind her encompassing her like a safe calm space. As a backdrop she used an image of her plants that is distorted and blurred. As a leaf grows on a plant a surge of energy is released from the plant.

    In this work we see that Brianne is the caretaker of these plants. However there is a mutual relationship displayed in this portrait.. We see this through the calm, relaxed body and facial language. Brianne has her eyes closed like she is at peace amongst or surrounded by her plants. In return for taking care of the plants they provide her with a sense of serenity.

    This composition works well as a portrait. I felt there were more than enough clues and details to create an emotion or feeling to this piece. Growth and serenity are the descriptive words that come to mind when I view this composition. It’s clear that being surrounded by these plants gives her a sense of peace and completeness.

    In this composition Brianne made the plants grow and fill up the space around and surround her in a unifying way. The deepens our understanding of her intention behind this detail which was to explain to the viewer that she is becoming one with the plants as they fill her space. More specifically the idea of fusion and her and her plants becoming one in their relationship. Another
    detail Brianne included was a burst of energy coming from a new leaf growing. This also deepens our understanding of how she feels when her plants grow and thrive. As a caregiver she has bonded with the plants and roots for their growth since she is responsible for their well being. In return for her hard work and care taking she gets a sense of fullness back from the plants.

    I think this composition references our relations to objects we may have, hobbies, and or belongings. I think this does a good job at representing our feelings to things that make us happy or give us a sense of accomplishment, things that bring us peace or joy. This imaged was shared with us to show us what type of relationship Brianne has with these specific objects.

    In this composition Brianne is holding a plant which she cares for while surrounded by numerous other plants that she cares for. She’s seated in a calm position with her eyes softly closed as her plants grow around her. The growth of the plants and her calm body language signifies the relationship between her and her plants which is her as a caretaker who is at peace because her hard work is allowing her plants to thrive which in turn brings her a sense of completeness.
