Tuesday, April 2, 2024

"Magical Land" - Emily Furr


    For this project, I wanted to show the kinds of things I have written down in my journal. I started keeping it last year and have loved it. I write all sorts of things down like movies, quotes, dreams, ideas, assignments, and more. I wanted to keep it fun and based in fantasy.
    I used generative AI to make the background, animals, and fairy's. I composited a few pictures together in order to get just the right picture of me and the desk. All though, while in Photoshop I merged layers together so there wouldn't be so many layers to contend with in After Effects so my master layer work is not seeable. For the transformative pieces I used After Effects to move around the butterflies, birds, deer, fairies, and unicorn. I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. The work consists of a girl sitting at a table, writing in her journal with butterflies coming out of the journal. It seems she is sitting in a mythical land given the color scheme of it, lots of cool colors. There are lots of dark tones such as the shirt and the table she is writing on. She used the rule of thirds very well to position herself more to the left in her composition.
    I think what the image says about this person is that they like to write their feelings down on paper and she also seems to be happy given the colorful environment and the butterflies emerging from her journal. The way it defines them I would say is they really bring positivity when they walk through the room, it gives a disney princess kind of feeling when I look at this. I would say this image is psychological because it's almost like we can see the feeling of her when she is writing in her journal. I assume that maybe if she was having a bad day and she was writing it would probably be dark and gloomy, kind of like we can see what's in her mind.
    This work gave a great amount of detail and clues to be able to interpret the work. It definitely looked dreamy and daydream like when I first saw it. I would say the butterflies coming out of the journal helped interpret that. As a transformative portrait, this works well with getting the message across and it is very easy to interpret what is going on in the image. I really like how the background is very vibrant and light because that's the daydreaming part and how the table itself is darker because that's the “real world” difference in that aspect.
    The motion part of the image really helps deepen my understanding with this portrait. The animals in the back, and I think what I see is a unicorn drinking from the stream, is a giveaway that it's not a real place so it can be a dream. Usually when you write in your journal you are writing out your thoughts so I interpreted that her thoughts were coming to life if they could. The butterflies help understand what she's writing down and how it is positive. I think the motion in this portrait was well done.
    I believe this work was created to give a sense of escape. I write in my journal too so I can write all my feelings and thoughts down on paper, whether it is positive or negative. Writing your thoughts down is a great form of therapy so to speak and given that lots of people in our age are constantly stressed, I think being able to write what you feel is important.
    Overall, I think this was a great piece and the thought process was well executed. The color scheme and the message was very clear to interpret and I really liked the layout. There were appropriate colors used for the dream aspect of the portrait and great animation styles.
    -Madyson Young
