Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Fake It - Emily Buie

    Picture this, it's 2020 and Joe Biden has just won the USA Presidential Election. Like any sane human would do when they loose, Donald Trump supporters rioted The Capital in Washington D.C., assaulting police officers and causing destruction to the historical building. This group being as strong willed as they are, also decided that day that they would riot the White House... because why not. Rioters were able to find a back entrance to the gate which allowed them access to the building where they lit fires and explosives. With such a traumatic and life changing historical event occurring, not only citizens but the whole world weeped this pain. This level of patriotism is unmatched and cursing our politics with evil.

    Captured in this photo I have added a metaphorical reference to the hellish life style of the former President and his "fans", but also been quite realistic in the damage they have caused. These actions could eventually be our modern Doomsday. In the whole photo there is only one thing intentionally salvageable and that is the American flag. I left this alone because one the fire wasn't enough to reach it, but also to provide a piece of hope that better is still out there, we just have to rebuild. The posters floating around the scene are meant to be the evidence of who caused this disaster and how their pride stands before the precious value of our history. 

    I took the red sky image however everything else was either a free use image with attributions required, imageFX, or Photoshop ai. 


  1. White House Photo: Photo by Ramaz Bluashvili:
    Generative Fill: Photoshop ai
    One broken window from ImageFx, all other windows & flames done with Photoshop ai
    Picture of Trump on Posters:
    I made the posters in Illustrator
    Posters mockup:

  2. For my review, I will be doing Emily Buie’s White House project. Below, she has attached the references and links to all photos in the canvas. The piece is set in a dark chaotic environment where flames cast dark shadows and torn flyers flutter wildly in the air. It feels as though someone has just won the election and in the wake of the results, the United States plumits to chaos, with people reacting rashly.

    As stated in the previous paragraph, I think that whoever won the presidential campaign caused a severe reaction to the people of the United States. They have resulted to violence and rioting to seek change in the capital. I believe this is a take on if or when Donald Trump won the election back in 2016 or if he does win in this upcoming election in November. As of right now and of previous years, based on what I’ve seen on social media and those around me, Trump is giving annoyance and fear into the peoples’ eyes and if he were to win the election this piece is but a foreshadow for the possible future.

    I think Emily has done a wonderful job setting the tone and environment with this piece. It’s very clear from the start that I immediately interpreted what was happening. I think she has come a good way from when she presented this piece during the midpoint review. Adding the flyers accentuates the environment and mood as a whole. I think that just that one touch really shifted this project and created a clearer foundation. One thing I would recommend is adding some blur to some of the flyers to make it more realistic looking. I see that you’ve done it to some in the back but definitely adding more to add depth. You could consider adding a larger flier in the foreground to enhance the dramatic effect then incorporating tears and burn marks to intensify the chaotic atmosphere even further. I think adding some sky elements such as smoke in the background, not just the windows to again, add more depth. I like the chaos that’s happening but maybe adding people on the grass to really give it that realistic feel.

    I think this project clearly provides information on the election and who to vote for. Given the description of it, it does make logical sense of why this has happened. It kind of makes me eerie for the future and what will happen on November 4, will there be another riot? Will there be something else much worse that’ll happen? I’m not sure, but I think this piece does a great job providing a more dramatic “what if” situation for the near future. I also think that it just shows the importance of voting and everyone’s voice matters. Within the past two to three years Donald Trump has made quite the commotion so again, I think this shows a good past and present of what happened and what might happen again.

    Overall, I think Emily did a great job of executing a past and possibly present event. The addition of the flyers enhances the chaotic atmosphere, further amplifying the dramatic environment. Considering the feedback in my third paragraph, I believe there are ways to elevate the piece even more, but even in its current form, it effectively conveys its message.
