Thursday, September 26, 2024

Fake It - Jennie Keophaphone


    My concept for this project focuses on the conspiracy of ufos and their existence. There have been many pictures circulating the internet on ufo sightings and even a couple years ago there was big talk of it in the news. So, I wanted to play into the stereotypical trope of ufo-cow abductions as it would be a more comical approach. I set the background by a farm barn at night, with a ufo levitating a cow up from the inside of the barn, while its cow buddy looks at it from outside. I also have the farmer of the cows coming out to see what's going on behind the fence, seeing the whole spectacle go down. The images used are a combination of my own imagery, free use images, and generative ai.

My Picture
The guy standing

Barn BG - Free Use:
Blue Fog Sky:
Night Sky BG:
Cow Looking Up - Free Use:
Floating Cow - Free Use:

Generative AI
Hole in Barn: Adobe Firefly
Ufo: Photoshop
Expanded Grass: Photoshop
Fence: Photoshop

1 comment:

  1. Jennie Keophaphone made an image that takes place at night in a farm, it has a fence and a barn with cows. The background has trees as well as a bright light in the sky as well as a space ship. There is a person in the foreground looking at the cow as well as the one that is getting sucked up in the alien space ship.

    You can tell there is an alien abduction happening in the image Jennie created due to the light coming down from the space ship as well as the cow being upside down and heading into the space ship. The light in the sky I believe is supposed to be the sun but since the sun is not usually this bright and the image is rather dark it leads me to believe an eclipse of some sort is taking place. You can also tell the man is watching the abduction take place but he seems to have no reaction so maybe he is in shock.

    I think the technique used in this work overall looks very nice, however the fence looks a little unrealistic compared to the man as well as the other things in the image. It also appears brighter than maybe it should be so the lighting needs to be adjusted a little. The cow that is not being abducted also appears to be a little to bright in certain areas like his back and rear end. everything else looks very nice and flows and looks very put together.

    I think this image Jennie created helps the viewer understand better fake photographs better simply because it allows us to zone in and focus on the details and really see the tiny details. I think this image is more focused on visual misinformation because people talk about alien abductions a lot but most people have to see it to believe it and this is giving them that.
