Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Fake It - Liz Garcia

My project is based on the myth/lore that the moon is made of cheese. I played around a lot with shading and the warping tool to try and get it to have as much depth as possible. I figured if I could make it look like it had depth to it then it would look more realistic. I feel like the whole idea that the moon is made of cheese has been around for a long time, so I figured that making it black and white would also help to tie it all together. Making it black and white also helped to highlight the shading that I did with the cheese and moon to make it more cohesive as a whole. I feel like the better you are at mimicking shadows and depth and ensuring that everything within the image works as a whole and is cohesive then, the more likely it is to be conceived as real. I think that manipulating images that are publicated can be very dangerous when they're well executed. It's also important to note that I ditched my original image of the rows of medicine for sale that were meant to be about the pandemic and all the misinformation that was spread during that time. I was thinking too broadly when I first created it and decided to change my entire concept to something that was of a much lighter myth. 

Skyline from an airplane: personal picture 

Moon : 

Licensing & Usage: all images on can be downloaded and used for free. 

Cheese : 

Licensing & Usage: 

Attribution: Required

License: Free

1 comment:

  1. This composition is by Liz Garcia and is a soft black and white image of the Earth's skyline with the enlarged moon as the primary focal point. The photo appears to have been taken from a great height such as atop a skyrise or from an airplane. The moon is deformed in some way giving the impression that something is abnormal with it, it has been damaged, or it is made of a material that is unexpected.

    Without reading the artist’s description, I would have actually not guessed that the intended concept was that the moon was made of cheese. As a science fiction lover, I initially thought it was perhaps alluding to “strangelets” having come in contact with the moon and started turning it into what is known as “strange matter” which can have a melting effect! So, either way, it was definitely successful at being eye-catching and I appreciate that very much!

    Perhaps a form that is more of an obvious texture or appearance of cheese such as Swiss would help better sell the idea. Or chunks that have fallen off (since it appears as if the moon has taken some damage) and landed on the Earth. In addition, while the idea of the photo being black and white is a great way to insinuate the age of capture, colorization might also help solve the mystery of the moon being cheese. Perhaps keeping the black and white, while the inner part of the moon is orange could be an idea.

    The lighting would be one area that I would consider to be in need of a little more tweaking. The background photograph shows the sunlight rising (or setting) along the horizon while the moon has reflection emanating from its upper left. A few little touches on this would maintain a little bit of scientific consistency and maintain focus on the moon as being the object of deformity.

    As a space nerd, I love any composites that toy with outer space, the odd, and ideas of the unknown! The subject matter is a clever choice and definitely one that is humorous while also thought-provoking. I really enjoyed this composite very much and it actually reminded me of the classic movie A Trip to the Moon from 1902 which is always a fun watch!

