Thursday, September 26, 2024

Fake It - Miranda Santana

In this image I wanted to play off of the Boeing plane crashes and how many people have been killed as a result. I picked Target as a convenient place to photograph, but also because it is located in a popular shopping center that is frequently very busy. The name being Target is also a bit of dark comedy given the subject. I also wanted to reference how multiple whistleblowers from Boeing have turned up dead by adding the shady black van with the men in suits and sunglasses, implying that Boeing might have had a hand in silencing snitches and trying to sweep their problems under the rug. (I have no evidence for anything, this is purely satirical, please don't murder me Boeing.)
I am not entirely happy with how this turned out, as trying to get the lighting right was especially hard and finding interesting resources that did not require purchasing stock photo licenses proved to be a challenge. I think if I were to do this over again I would pick a more lighthearted topic that is easier to work around and doesn't require so much drastic manipulation of lighting and tone.

         Boeing 737 MAX 9
By Clemens Vasters on

Attribution (CC BY 2.0)



Mercedes Sprinter

By Jason Lawrence on

Attribution (CC BY 2.0)



Target Photo by Me (Miranda Santana)

 Adobe's built in Generative AI used for minor tweaks and corrections.

All other sourced material falls under Pixabay’s content license.


  1. This work titled Fake It is by Miranda Santana. The subject is a plane crashing into a Target. Other elements of the photo include fire, smoke, a Mercedes Benz van, as well as some people standing outside of Target. The photo is horizontal with a 4:3 aspect ratio allowing for context of the plane crash. The artist did provide reference links to the source images.

    This work pictures a plane crashing into a target location. The point of view is from the parking lot underneath a tree. The plane has the number 737 on the tail wing indicating that this is a Boeing 737 which has had many safety issues. I recently read in the news that they are halting the production of the 737s due to these safety issues. This piece highlights the safety issue and shows that these planes can crash causing mass harm not only to those on board but by crashing in populated areas. The building has fire and smoke billowing out of it indicating the crash and explosion of the plane. There are people standing outside of the target as well, one standing next to a Mercedes Benz Van. This person seems out of place to me and I am not quite getting the significance. I think that if this was an ambulance, firetruck, or even just someone running from the building it would have a great impact within the piece.

    The work is believable and includes some well-done compositing work. Some areas to improve the believability of the piece include the edges of the chunk of wall that has been removed from the explosion and the top of the tower part of the target having white tones making it not blend as well. As far as project parameters I think this piece fits all the project requirements and puts an emphasis on the safety issues of the Boeing 737s and the potential harm they could cause. I think the artist did a great job conceptualizing the work and creating a piece that signifies a worst-case scenario.

    This piece exists to bring awareness to the issues with the Boeing 737 planes but also shows how this could easily be sent around and people would think that a plane crashed into a target. This piece brings attention to the use of deep fakes by encouraging users to verify what they are seeing online via news channels or verified sources.

    Overall this piece brings awareness to not only deep fakes but also to the safety issues with the Boeing 737 planes. The piece pictures a 737 crashing into a highly populated area, a local target, with smoke and fire coming from the target. This pictures a worst-case scenario of what could happen if these planes continue to have malfunctions. The artist did a good job of composting these elements together to communicate this idea.

  2. Miranda Santana's composite focuses on the Boeing plane crashes with a satirical twist. The main subject is a Target store, which adds dark humor to the tragedy. In the foreground, a black van with shady figures in suits hints at corporate conspiracies involving whistleblowers. The tone is ominous, though Miranda faced challenges with lighting and finding stock images.

    The image critiques corporate wrongdoing and the silencing of whistleblowers. The black van and men in suits symbolize secrecy and cover-ups. The Target store adds irony, suggesting these tragedies are under scrutiny. Overall, the work highlights how corporate issues can be hidden in everyday settings.

    The composition conveys its message well but has some lighting issues that make the deepfake noticeable. This imperfection might enhance the work’s goal of questioning reality, fitting within the project’s theme of disinformation. The satire effectively critiques how companies manipulate media narratives.

    In a broader context, Miranda’s work comments on how visual misinformation, like deepfakes, can shape public opinion. It taps into concerns about corporate power and media manipulation, especially regarding platforms like TikTok and Facebook. The dark humor highlights the need for satire to address failures in corporate and government accountability.

    Miranda Santana’s piece uses satire to address Boeing plane crashes and whistleblower issues. While there are some technical flaws, the work successfully encourages viewers to think critically about media and how visuals can mislead. It serves as a reminder of the importance of questioning what we see.
