Thursday, September 8, 2022


For my wet plate collodion I photographed my parrot Navi. I wanted to document her in her "natural habitat", her cage located in my bedroom. I arranged my house plants behind her to give the scene a natural look, while still being evident that it is an artificial habitat.

1 comment:

  1. The photograph of the parrot Navi is well contrasted against the darker background making it a clear focal point in the center of the image. Almost everything is blurred except for the body of the bird. The photo is in a monochromatic sepia color scheme. The lighting seems to be coming from the left side. There is a large dark stroke at the left edge of the image and both light and dark splash marks. Obvious scratch and crease marks are present on the photo as well as some exposure blemishes. A white stroke rests at the top center of the photo and one at the bottom right corner of the photo. There seems to be some pencil or ink markings at the top right corner of the image as well. On the right edge there is an ink script writing of the title and supposed date of the photo.
    The way this photo was edited, I interpret this as a scientific research photograph. The two white strokes seem to be tape that has attached the photograph of Navi onto another sheet of paper that the script writing appear to have been written on. Another reason why this image seems like a research photo for study is the little band one of the legs of Navi.
    The photo has a very well done light and dark contrast between the figure and bacground. This student really seemed to really understand the idea of a short depth of field. Everything is blurred in the image except for the body of the bird and kind of the corner of the surface that Navi is standing on. The scratches, crease textures and stains are believable; however the white splashes doesn’t seem to be very much because they are much more opaque, solid, and more crisp compared to the other textures. The handwriting is well done, but there are no textures in the strokes which makes it have a digital appearance rather than a traditionally written look. This also applies to the bold white strokes that I’m interpreting as tape. They also look very digital and stands out from the rest of the image the most. The dark textured stroke on the left edge of the image is very interesting but I’m not sure what it is especially because that’s the only place where it is on the image.
    Again, a short depth of field is very obvious and clear. The light and dark contrast is nice. Although there are some minor tweaks that could be done, the image is very well done overall.
