Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Glowing Mailbox


I was experimenting with creating outlines for things that usually blend into the dark night background. I used a color changing moon lamp to outline my mailbox

1 comment:

  1. 1) Described the work
    This work is long exposure, and composition of multiple photographs taken at night. This piece would not have the same effect if it was taken during the day. It is a mailbox with a dark, night background. However, there is a very vibrant and colorful light outlining the mailbox. The outline also illuminated the mailbox which would normally be nearly invisible at this time of night. The colors used are bold and vibrant which makes the image captivating.

    2) Interpret the work
    Objects at night are almost invisible to the naked eye without some sort of light source. An object like a mailbox is typically dark and without a strong moon light or car lights, you might never see it when the sun is down. By outlining the mailbox the artist is making something pop and be vibrant and eye catching that normally would not have that effect.
    3) Evaluate the work
    I think the intention and the final product did come out well. It was a fun and interesting way to use long exposure photography. I think it would have been nice to see more overlapping of the long exposure, I think with it being one really thick solid line it kind of takes some interest away from the piece. If possible I think it would be nice if the light goes off the edge instead of ending before the mailbox ends.
    4) Theorize - How does the work exist within our larger culture? What is the relevance?
    It is hard to say exactly how it relates to our larger culture. Possibly it could mean that in today's modern world everything is lit up, there is hardly something in complete darkness. Even a mailbox that is painted black and blends with the night can find its light and no longer be hidden in the absence of light.
    5) Summarize
    Overall I think the context of illuminating something that typically is hidden at night can have a lot of depth to it. Using bright and vibrant colors was successful but possibly layering the piece more could have made it a little more captivating. I think this is a good piece that has thought provoking potential.
