Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Chris Allard Transformative Portrait



    For this project I wanted to create a sense of unnerve in my video, I wanted to capture a bunch of ideas to represent how sometimes I feel overwhelmed with being pulled in different directions by my mind. I also wanted to play with some ideas of the iconic Greek theater masks of tragedy and comedy, since those were used to express a characters emotions on stage I wanted to use them while expressing my emotions. Other details such as the clouds and ripped up background add to the sense of unease and turmoil I wanted to convey. All of this is to just embody the feeling of being pulled in different directions and the anxiety/stress that can overwhelm because of it.

1 comment:

  1. The work is a composite of three different looks of the same person, it is a clearly digitally altered photo but it is clear that was a stylistic choice. Each figure holds a very different emotion, however, all emotions seem uneasy. There is a background of dark clouds, lightning, etc that help bring together a cohesive piece.

    I think this work definitely portrays a feeling of unease, it also is a piece that can be interpreted in different ways by the viewer, possibly someone could relate to the piece even in a way the artist did not intend for. When first looking at the work before reading the context, I saw it as a mental illness depiction, the constant changing of moods and never feeling quite comfortable with yourself. I do believe the feeling of being overwhelmed is shown well in the work because there is so much going on and it's almost scary, which can give a very overwhelming feeling.

    I think the portrait says a lot about the artist, you can infer this artist is not often at a relaxing peace of mind, and it is a constant struggle. I believe what was meant to be portrayed like the feeling of unease and being overwhelmed was successful. I did enjoy there was a connection between this project and the last and you included the same border, it definitely connects the pieces.

    Yes the motion does elevate the work and add to the story of the piece. With his face going back and forth between the different emotions is very telling of this indecisive nature the artist must be experiencing. Also the weather coming to life also helps elevate the feeling of unease.

    I think this work is very relevant today because there is always a constant struggle with mental health. Of course mental health has always been an issue but now is a time when the topic is not nearly as taboo as it once was. Art is an amazing way to speak on these intense feelings that many people can relate to and may feel less alone when seeing.

    Overall I think this is a very well done piece, I liked the style chosen is consistent and visually interesting. Even prior to looking at the context it was relatively clear to me what the artist was trying to get across. I think it is a well done piece that displays complex emotions well.
