Thursday, September 8, 2022

Kelsey McGoldrick- Old is New Again


This piece is supposed to embody the idea of teenagers in this time growing up too fast due to social media. I had my little sister dress up in a wedding dress that is too big to push the concept of growing up too fast. She holds a phone in her hand to then push the idea of social media brainwashing young girls like herself. 

1 comment:

  1. 1. This piece shows a young girl dressed in a wedding dress whilst scrolling on her phone. The bright screen casts a long, looming shadow behind the girl. The girl wears an oversized wedding dress which is paired with converse sneakers. The dark edges of the piece slowly creep closer to the girl in splotches and light splatters accompanied by a harsh crack on the right side.

    2. This piece shows how today’s youth are slowly losing more of their childhoods and growing up faster than even. The oversized dress illustrates this concept very well as the girl tries to fulfill an adult role she has yet to grow into. The addition of the converse sneakers brings back the idea of youth. I love the use of the phone’s brightness to create the long shadow in the background and how it shows its influence in making the girl feel older/bigger than she really is.

    3. I love the overall concept here! The subject wonderfully illustrates the struggles of growing up too quick and the additional wet plate techniques add to this concept. The splotches around the edges of the piece seem to encroach upon the girl almost as they want to swallow her. The added texture and crack also add to the vintage feel of this piece. I also like how editing the floor brought much more emphasis to the subject.

    4. This is a very wonderful piece illustrating the concept of growing youth in the digital age. The textures and cracks are a great touch to make this piece seem so old and vintage. To further add to the vintage look, I think adding some blur here and there would benefit your piece. However, I love how everything came out in the end. Great work!
