Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Grumpy Bear

Remember the episode of Care Bears where the bears visit Drab City and everything is gray? I put on my most colorful pajamas and tried to recreate it with my broken umbrella for a Grumpy bear getting rained on moment. My idea was to incorporate seasonal depression and how easily it is to feel down when the Fall weather is changing with the idea of a world that changes from color to black and white.

1 comment:

  1. This commentary is from Shyana:

    This piece is showing someone standing outside in their pajamas.They are standing in the middle of the road in a suburban area. They are holding a broken umbrella as rain comes down. Their facial expression is very frustrated. As the video continues, the picture turns more gray and then eventually black and white.

    I think this piece is highlighting the things that can go wrong in life. From the broken umbrella to the rain coming down and the mood changing it is clear that this person is having a
    bad day. It’s like the saying when it rains it pours. I think this artist handles bad situations well. They seem to make the best of it or find the humor in it to cope. This seems like the kind of person that would brighten someone else up on a bad day as well, which is a good quality to have.

    The motion happening in this piece is the rain coming down and the color changing. I think this piece could have started with an obvious sun and no rain. Then motion clouds come in
    and the rain starts. I think this would just add more of a dramatic effect. Even applying some movement as if it got really windy would be cool. I think the rain just needs to be more obvious. I think this is a piece that tries to test the viewers' understanding of life. I think going back
    to that statement on how life throws us curveballs, us as humans have to figure out how to get through them. Sometimes the only way out is through and that shows in this piece. The mood starts out vibrant and light and eventually gets darker. It would be nice to see this piece start
    from a bad day and turn into a bright sunny day.

    I think this piece was very well done. The concept is very intriguing and I think the artist had a lot of fun. The rain coming down was such a fun way to add motion to a photo. The facial expressions and the broken umbrella added a lot to this piece as well. Great job!
