Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Transformative Portrait - Brooke Buchanan

 For my project I wanted to transform myself into acrobat or gymnast. I am definitely not a gymnast, but I took a few classes when I was younger, and didn't continue on after a couple classes. I often wonder what life decisions in the past, and even know has or will change the course of my future. Maybe if I would have done gymnastics, would my life still look like it is now? I wanted to be creative with this project, and just conceptually transform myself into something I wasn't.  For some reason I could only upload on the blog through youtube, and came out being portrayed in a landscape format, but my original video is portrait (tiktok) format.




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  2. The focal point is a portrait of a woman who appears to be a gymnast or acrobat. Her attire is fitted with an embellished top that reflects jewels. Subject is balanced on a ring that is on fire. The flames surround her with flames that motion upwards. Flames are located at the bottom of the portrait that go in an upward direction as well.

    The subject has an expression of peace in her surroundings despite the intensity of the fire. The concept translates to me as someone with a deep desire or passion for dancing. If not passionate about dancing then the portrait could also be looked at as a woman embracing her femininity with the fire representing her confidence. It can also be a combination of both a passion for dancing and the feeling it brings about within the subject.

    I think that the idea of using the intensity of the flames to sculpt the figure was a great way to express whatever emotion that was intended. The feeling is clearly strong and prominent which is what fire naturally does. From the attire to the dainty pose, I believe the context clues are very evident the concept revolves around a dancer.

    The use of fire as the motion aspect enhances the portrait tremendously. Without it, the reflection of how the artist truly feels probably would not be as clear to the viewer. The direction of the flames also has a sense of rhythm that adds to the concept of dancing. To some the flames may look weird or unnatural from flow, but I personally think it adds a great layer to the concept.

    The portrait works well in today's culture. Dancing is always prominent and something that is very cherished. Whether the artist was a dancer or not, if someone saw this work, I am sure they would relate.

    Overall, this was a beautiful portrait. I think it has a lot of emotions tied to it that are unknown, but clearly evident from the subtle facial expressions and exaggeration from the fire. If I were to be picky about any compositing issues, I would add more intensity to the fire at the top of the ring. It seems to fade out a little towards the top, but realistically fire is the most intense at the top of whatever is on fire.
