Thursday, December 1, 2022

Under The Influence Destiny James

1 comment:

  1. 1. Describe the works
    There are two separate works that are photographs turned into what looks like drawings. It seems as if compositing has been used to mix photographs and pencil sketches together to create a portrait. The images are mostly black and white with a slight pop of color in one image. The works appear to be cohesive to one another, definitely seem to be a part of one project.
    2. Interpret the works as a group
    The works are very well done, it looks like there is real fine art skill that went into their creation. When viewing the portraits you almost feel as if you know this woman personally. The drawing captures her soft eyes that make you feel trusting and gives the woman a likable aura. I wish there were other clues in the images to possibly further understand who she is or find a deeper meaning in the piece.
    3. Evaluate the work
    I do think there are creative parts of the works. I like the parts of blending the realistic photograph with the drawing, it is almost not noticeable but in a good way, making the photoshop skill well done. I also like where you added color and blended it very nicely, I would push that further with future designs. It might be interesting to explore making the transitions a little more obvious, to show this contrast between the two could be interesting. I think the photographs are well done, good lighting was used, I would work on composition a little more, I think if the background, objects around the person could elevate the piece and add more meaning.
    4. Theorize
    I think the works are relatively successful, I think a lot of artistic skill is shown through the pieces. I think what would take it further is more intentionality, it seems like there is not much thoughtfulness to the meaning behind the piece. I think you have a lot to go off of and the idea of mixing images with drawings is very cool. I would love to see this pushed further and you draw images that maybe speak on a social issue or something you're passionate about. I think you did a good job of creating cohesive pieces and using your skills, but I think it could be even better!
    5. Summarize
    I think your more successful work is the first one, reason being, I think the pop of color pushed it further than the other one. It really emphasized this photograph and drawing mixture you are doing. Adding a little pop of color to a black and white piece really helps an audience be captivated by your work. I think you have great skills being shown off here, I urge you to push your meaning behind the pieces, I feel like you have a technique here that has the potential to provoke a feeling from your audience. By focusing on composition it could make someone look longer and think, hmm what is the artist trying to say here. Good job!
