Thursday, December 1, 2022

Under the Influence Otto Lucas



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  2. The collection of works share different elements of light and darkness. The illumination of light helps add features to a theme that revolves around magical fantasy or mystery. Neon colors are prominent within each image. The series of photos are cohesive and adds a perspective that tells different parts of the same story. Each image is constructed with a variety of different elements that all contribute as a whole.

    When viewed together, the meaning behind the collection seems to tell a fantastical story about magic. The works are interpreted as the cause and effect of something or an evolution of an event that has occurred. As a whole the works balance one another well.

    The effort into creativity is evident in each work. There is a complexity shared within the series. It is clear that much thought and effort was put into planning. The use of photoshop was successful with compositing multiple images and adding features like the neon fire elements. The images used to composite are not digitally rendered which helps add a feel of realism or possibility of reality. Photographically, light, proportions, and differences in compositions are relatively effective.

    I think that the foundation of the series that will be presented as our final project is set. I enjoy the progression of certain elements like the continuation of light throughout all 3 images. Since the light is prominent in all works, I would expect the light to continue in the remaining works. Individually, there is no work that seems to be more successful. If there were changes to be made, I would focus on the 2nd work and how the purple hits on certain objects. In the first work, the highlighted shoulder and robe from the fires are brightened in the dark night which works well. Perhaps, if the fire or purple ring could be slightly more exaggerated, it would illuminate the composition more.
