Thursday, September 26, 2024

Fake It - Ashley Dinning


My concept for this project was to show what people thought in the earlier years before people realized that the world was round and not flat. It was believed that if you sailed to the edge you would just sail off. This shows a ship sailing off the edge with one already falling off the edge of the world. The ocean and background are my images while the ship, birds, and waves/waterfall are from pexels.

Fake It - Jennie Keophaphone


    My concept for this project focuses on the conspiracy of ufos and their existence. There have been many pictures circulating the internet on ufo sightings and even a couple years ago there was big talk of it in the news. So, I wanted to play into the stereotypical trope of ufo-cow abductions as it would be a more comical approach. I set the background by a farm barn at night, with a ufo levitating a cow up from the inside of the barn, while its cow buddy looks at it from outside. I also have the farmer of the cows coming out to see what's going on behind the fence, seeing the whole spectacle go down. The images used are a combination of my own imagery, free use images, and generative ai.

My Picture
The guy standing

Barn BG - Free Use:
Blue Fog Sky:
Night Sky BG:
Cow Looking Up - Free Use:
Floating Cow - Free Use:

Generative AI
Hole in Barn: Adobe Firefly
Ufo: Photoshop
Expanded Grass: Photoshop
Fence: Photoshop

Fake It - Ashley Legassie

 My project is about the moon landing and how some people think it was fake. To take an ironic twist on it I wanted to add Michael Jackson on the moon since one of the things he is known for is moonwalking. I made the photo black and white to further push the timeline of the photo making it feel more dated and old to the audience. I added harsh shadows to match the lighting as well. The astronaut in the back has a helmet on that reflects the NASA office further implying the fake moon landing. 


Moon Landing Background Photo | Source: NASA 

People Sitting in an Office, Pictured in Astronaut Helmet | Source: NASA 

Michael Jackson | Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain) 

Astronaut legs | Source: NASA

Astronaut in the background | Source: NASA

Moon Rock | Source: Photo by me

Fake It - Miranda Santana

In this image I wanted to play off of the Boeing plane crashes and how many people have been killed as a result. I picked Target as a convenient place to photograph, but also because it is located in a popular shopping center that is frequently very busy. The name being Target is also a bit of dark comedy given the subject. I also wanted to reference how multiple whistleblowers from Boeing have turned up dead by adding the shady black van with the men in suits and sunglasses, implying that Boeing might have had a hand in silencing snitches and trying to sweep their problems under the rug. (I have no evidence for anything, this is purely satirical, please don't murder me Boeing.)
I am not entirely happy with how this turned out, as trying to get the lighting right was especially hard and finding interesting resources that did not require purchasing stock photo licenses proved to be a challenge. I think if I were to do this over again I would pick a more lighthearted topic that is easier to work around and doesn't require so much drastic manipulation of lighting and tone.

Fake It - Kim Ballinger


My project is from the perspective of a desolate world where humans have been relegated to bunkers as the world is succumbing to global warming. Land is difficult to farm, the sun is shrouded in haze, animals are all but gone, and water is highly limited. The people are diligently working to keep what plants and trees that they do have alive before oxygen and fuel supplies completely run out. The largest tree being watered from the underground pot is slowly withering indicating a futile effort.

The window on the side of the bunker is our view to the inside, and it’s also their view to the outside. 

I utilized a primary background original photograph of a vast farmland with a small bonzai-type tree, also an original photograph, enlarged to serve as the primary focal point. The irony that people mold these tiny trees in their pots as they grow is present just in a different more pressing context. 

*Remaining items and people image sources: 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Fake It - Liz Garcia

My project is based on the myth/lore that the moon is made of cheese. I played around a lot with shading and the warping tool to try and get it to have as much depth as possible. I figured if I could make it look like it had depth to it then it would look more realistic. I feel like the whole idea that the moon is made of cheese has been around for a long time, so I figured that making it black and white would also help to tie it all together. Making it black and white also helped to highlight the shading that I did with the cheese and moon to make it more cohesive as a whole. I feel like the better you are at mimicking shadows and depth and ensuring that everything within the image works as a whole and is cohesive then, the more likely it is to be conceived as real. I think that manipulating images that are publicated can be very dangerous when they're well executed. It's also important to note that I ditched my original image of the rows of medicine for sale that were meant to be about the pandemic and all the misinformation that was spread during that time. I was thinking too broadly when I first created it and decided to change my entire concept to something that was of a much lighter myth. 

Skyline from an airplane: personal picture 

Moon : 

Licensing & Usage: all images on can be downloaded and used for free. 

Cheese : 

Licensing & Usage: 

Attribution: Required

License: Free

Fake It - Aliyah Valcin

 Is the moon hollow? Are craters just vast emptiness that leads to nothing?

During Tuesday's critique, I got some feedback on adjustments I could make to help emphasize the idea of the housing crisis in America. I learned that the idea I tried to depict wasn't tying into my overall idea. I wasn't entirely confident in the initial idea post-critique, so I changed my approach/concept. 

My new concept for this project was to depict a fictitious moon. A common conspiracy theory is that the moon is hollow. I started by creating a night scene near water to create an engaging landscape from my original scenic image.  To add detail to the photo I added silhouette of people looking as though they are socializing out near the waterfront. As you move your eye above to where the moon is, it looks like there’s a crater-like form that is filled with darkness. This crater effect is how I was able to represent the hollowness of the moon. I took an image of a cut out of a cave overlooking an ocean and used various blending effects to blend the image in with the moon. For a finishing touch, I added night clouds and a blurred reflection of the mountains onto the body of water in the scene. 

Fake It - Bryce Locaylocay

     A conspiracy theory I like to dive into sometimes depending on the day is if aliens are real or not. I know we've all heard something different yet similar. I feel like growing up our parents have teased us about their existence or have seen somewhere on the internet of people being abducted so for this project I rotated around those ideas. The original photo I took was when I went to Zion National Park and I think for most alien abductions, they tend to happen around the desert area or west coast so I think the environment was good for this project. I have two alien ships, one that has two people abducted and then the other following it like a leader. Surrounding them I have human planes moving in an aggressive manor trying to save the humans. 

Fake It - Emily Buie

    Picture this, it's 2020 and Joe Biden has just won the USA Presidential Election. Like any sane human would do when they loose, Donald Trump supporters rioted The Capital in Washington D.C., assaulting police officers and causing destruction to the historical building. This group being as strong willed as they are, also decided that day that they would riot the White House... because why not. Rioters were able to find a back entrance to the gate which allowed them access to the building where they lit fires and explosives. With such a traumatic and life changing historical event occurring, not only citizens but the whole world weeped this pain. This level of patriotism is unmatched and cursing our politics with evil.

    Captured in this photo I have added a metaphorical reference to the hellish life style of the former President and his "fans", but also been quite realistic in the damage they have caused. These actions could eventually be our modern Doomsday. In the whole photo there is only one thing intentionally salvageable and that is the American flag. I left this alone because one the fire wasn't enough to reach it, but also to provide a piece of hope that better is still out there, we just have to rebuild. The posters floating around the scene are meant to be the evidence of who caused this disaster and how their pride stands before the precious value of our history. 

    I took the red sky image however everything else was either a free use image with attributions required, imageFX, or Photoshop ai. 

Sara Aftimos- Fake it

My concept for this project was to center my work on the Loch Ness Monster. The myth of the Loch Ness Monster has been known for a very long time, and some people even created projects to find evidence of the existence of these creatures. Even though little evidence has been found the myth and the legend still intrigues people and draws them to the idea of their existence. For my composition, I wanted to show them in a different environment other than Scotland where they are usually associated with being sighted. So I created this deepfake event of the Loch Ness Monsters being seen in New York City with tourists being warned not to go into the water. The background photo is my original photograph of New York City at the seaport with the East River and the Manhattan Bridge. The Loch Ness Monsters and the sea creature sign were found on Wiki Commons. The tourists were found on Unsplash and I added a texture as well from pexels.


-The background photo is one I took myself 

-Wiki Commons (sign)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_(6238711901).jpg 

Licensing is free

Attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

-Wiki Commons (Loch Ness Monster 1)

Licensing is free

Attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

-Wiki Commons (Loch Ness Monster 2)

-Wiki Commons (Loch Ness Monster 3) 

Licensing is free

Attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

-Pexels (texture)

-Unsplash (people set 1) 

  • Free to use and attribution is not required

-Unsplash (people set 2) 

  • Free to use and attribution is not required

  • Unsplash (one tourist ) 

  • Free to use and attribution is not required

Fake It - Cassie Eberle

 Birds aren't REAL

They're spies for the US Government

My concept is based around the conspiracy theory that birds aren't real and are, in fact, robots that report back citizens doings to the US Government. I also got the idea from
an old meme called "The Birds Work for the
 Bourgeoisie" that also implied that birds work for the government. The way I decided to implement this theory into a photograph was to create a robotic bird. I started by adding a few cameras coming from the bird's body and eye. It was then I felt the bird needed more of a robotic feeling and so I added the peak into the open control panel and also the red antenna on his head. After the midpoint critique, I decided to add a photograph of Washington D.C. to the background instead of the one I had originally to tie in the fact the bird spies for the US government more. I also added the flock of birds as was recommended to add a more ominous feeling of them being everywhere

Fake It - Hunter Iler


COVID-19 reports dating back to 1900s

    My concept for this project was to create a false timeline where COVID-19 occurred long before 2020. My goal was to capture the same chaos and panic but place it into a time when there were fewer doctors and less access to medicine. I did this by finding a picture of an old doctor's office and putting a swarm of people in front of it waiting for a simply advertised vaccine. I also depicted only a few people wearing masks versus many not wearing one to reflect how people reacted to the virus in 2020. I used my own photo to add texture to the image and make my composition blend better.

Fake It - Ashton Lucas


For my piece I wanted to shed light on the conspiracy of government cheese. During the midpoint critique my first idea was based around the conspiracy theory of Walt Disney being frozen within his statue at Disney World, I decided to change this due to want to pick something little more based on deep conspiracies based within the government. A conspiracy turned reality, for years there has been talk about secret caves that the government have built to preserve dairy. During the 1970s, the US experienced a dairy shortage and President Jimmy Carter implemented a policy to help the dairy industry. This led to overproduction and the government purchased large amounts of cheese to keep prices low and prevent the dairy industry from collapsing. Starting off as just a conspiracy, this information was let out to the public in the 1980's. For my concept I wanted to emphasize the way many people would view "cheese caves", to do this I put sharp dripping cheese from the ceilings and workers gathering multiple pieces of cheese wheels.



Adobe Generative AI


Two workers at the bottom

Meg Neal - Fake it

 My piece is centered around the religious panic that occurred during the most recent eclipse. At the time I saw a lot of discussion online about how people were saying it was the end of the world, the rapture, etc. I thought it was interesting as humans have related events like eclipses or eruptions to religion since the first forms of religion were practiced. The idea that even though we know now what causes eclipses, but they can still cause panic in this way was intriguing to me. So I created a false event where the world did end during the eclipse. To show this concept I created a fiery landscape under an eclipse. I added a prominent church to show the concept of religion, particularly Christianity as that was one of the groups I observed panicking about the eclipse. I included a figure shielding their eyes as they observe the scene, since the eclipse can hurt your eyes.

Fake It - Ximena Alvarado


The idea behind this concept is to create an image of someone getting evidence that aliens exist. The idea that aliens are real have been around for many years, however, there isn't much evidence that proves that they are real. Within the image, there is a couple that is taking a picture of an alien on their roof, which is something that people would do within modern day. 

The background is my original photograph. I then added the white house, which I took from unsplash (the image is free to use under the unsplash license). The bushes are created from photoshop generated AI, helping me blend the house to the background. The Alien is from pixabay, which is free to use under the Pixabay License. The Alien ship and shooting star come from Pexels, which are free to use with Pexels License. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Old is New Again - Kim Ballinger


Empowered Women

My project is based on the perspective of women throughout history. The primary image is a photo of my daughter who serves our country as a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. She is an amazing role model and prime example of a woman who is taking charge of her life and empowering herself. Her servitude and dedication to the armed forces is a testament to her moral standards, love of country, and the commitment to the people who reside here. 

The second image is from circa 1890 and is a group of women from the Women's Relief Corps. These women dedicated themselves to providing service to the wounded and the sick, as well as the wives and children of the men who served in the Civil War. They were also present for widows and orphans that were sadly left behind when a soldier didn't make it home to their families. 

For my project, I wanted to have my daughter in the foreground representing the present with the women (and girls) in the back honoring the past. Having two generations of women being depicted in a single image juxtaposes just how much things have changed, but also shows how strong and dedicated to fellow mankind women have always been. 

I utilized several LOCC images to create the effect of colloidal wet plate, distressed and aged marks, and did my best to align the images to give the appearance that they were one photo. I wanted to elude to her sitting on the steps that lead up to the lawn of a house where the group is sitting. The obvious differences in attire, hair, and even the cell phone (which could pass as a book in the image), gives the irony of the ages being blended together.


To read more about the WRC:

Old is New Again - Liz Garcia


For this project, I wanted to focus on my roots. I've always been told that I hold a very uncanny resemblance to my great-great-grandmother (on my maternal side). Unfortunately, due to scarce resources and my mother's family coming from a tiny city, Amatepec, Mexico, my family doesn't have a single picture of her. It gets even more ironic when I think about the fact that I was named after her, my middle name is Liz which is short for Lizette. The resemblance is so uncanny that when my great-grandmother was extremely sick about 4 years ago, we were able to video call her and she thought I was actually my great-great-grandmother, her mother. So, once I read up on the parameters of this project I instantly knew I wanted to recreate a typical hairstyle that she would've worn her hair in and photograph myself to see if the claims were true. They absolutely were, my grandmother was shocked when she saw my final project. I first took a 30-second video of myself in the desired pose to kind of get an idea of where I should add blur, if needed, for my picture due to the long exposure lenses of the Collodion Image times. I noticed that it was really only my eyes blinking that caused any minor movements during the video so I added slight blurring over my eyes. I also added various layers of blotches and stains to get the Collodion plate look. I also knew from the beginning that I wanted it to be placed inside of a frame of sorts, so I could feel like I finally had a picture of my doppelganger, from a different era, of course. 

Old is New Again - Ashton Lucas

For my project, I wanted to base my theme around the relationship between pets and humans. Pets have always been considered loyal best friends and helpers to humans throughout history, in the 1800s dogs mainly helped their owners by hunting, herding, or guarding. For this I wanted to highlight the importance of me and my dog Ginger. In the piece I used an old baby photo of me with Ginger laying on the floor next to me, with this I wanted to represent an old style family based photo of how some portraits were taken in the 1800s and how often my old family photos were constructed. After I decided to add plants to the back to give the photo a more displayed look, I wanted the photo to feel normal and authentic so I decided to keep it very minimal.